Any info on 2 7N-5W

Hello all, I am new to this forum and have recently come into some inherited mineral rights. Is anyone aware of acitivity in Grady County 2 7N-5W or near it? I have received a leasing offer and am wondering if it is a fair offer. I am still learning the ropes here and would appreciate any help or information. Thx

Newfield spud the CARLIN 1H-2X in September of 2017. I am guessing the well is somewhere in the completion phase by now.

Check the pooling order here...

Your name or the person you inherited from should be listed.

Good luck

Mr. Butler,

Thank you for your response and I would appreciate the company’s contact info in case I need an evaluation.

Thank you,

Sandi m

Mr. Bray,

your info and link is much appreciated. It is helping piece together some details I was looking for.

thank you,

Sandi m


I have 15 NMA and it will be drilled. I leased it for $5000.00/acre.


Hello Sandi: Me and my siblings have 2-07N-05W in Grady County. Your numbers look like ours. The well has been there since 1959. Hope our Landman will be calling us soon with an update. John

John, Are you getting offers as well? I guess I should clarify what exactly you are meaning with your comments? Sandi

I just meant I’m getting email again when someone posts in the group.

The CARLIN 1H-2X was completed and production began at the end of February… (Active Date: 02/27/2018)

Sandi: I have received offers but have refused. Regards John

Hi, Thank you for the response. I know people keep offers close to the vest sometimes but would you be willing to exchange offer info? Thank you, Sandi

I just tear up the letter as my portion is so small. We have four of us total. Who knows maybe a 20.00 royalty check. Time for me to move on from this well.