Yes, that is the question, is anyone leasing land in Frio or offering money for your oil and gas rights? Haven’t seen anything for some time. Thanks, Victor olmes
Not sure what part of Frio county you are referring to. Only activity in the area is up between Moore and Bigfoot and down in the SW portion of the county where Trinity is drilling Eagleford. Out side of those areas leasing is dormant
Thanks, my mineral rights are about 4 miles south of Pearsall right on I-35. 247 acres. Just barely within the eagleford area. Victor
Dan Hughes, EP Energy, Valor Energy and BlackBrush own the leases around there. No on has done anything in that area for 3 years. Trinity Operating is the only company that has drilled a well within 5 miles. They are a subsidiary of Next Era Energy which owns Florida Power Good luck
Thanks for the update. Looks pretty dismal at this stage for sure. Victor
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