I have the rights to the Northwest quarter of section four block 1. j. Pointevent survey., Certificate no. 2/230 abstract no. 766. I was curious on any news production around there. Thank you
It looks like there is no new activity. Here is how you can check for yourself at any time:
Go to: https://gis.rrc.texas.gov/gisviewer/ click on the magnifying glass icon at the top. Select Dawson County. In Abstract, type 766, then click Query. Your section is highlighted. At the top, select the little i icon and select Wells. Now you can click around on any dots and see if there are new permits and see what well activity is happening on and around the land.
If you scroll around the county, you can see areas that are ‘hot’ and being drilled heavily. Your land may not have strong geology and thus might not be developed with today’s commodity prices and technology. Good luck and reach out if you have more questions.
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