API Question for two "properties" in Caddo County

Daylight Petroleum has a bunch (35) of leases with us in Caddo County that we inherited from my Mother. I asked for division orders and Daylight sent me a spreadsheet. OK, no problem, I can deal with MOST of it.

The problem I have is two of the APIs listed in the spreadsheet make no sense. The first is API they gave me is ESTES02A-5 for the ESTES 2-A5 well and the second API is WALKER4000 for what they call the WALKER 4 TANK BATTERY.

I have also written to Daylight about this, and received no reply.

I have tried looking these wells up with both the OCC tool and the PUN tool at the OKTAP site. I searched through the CADDO County listings and am not able to find anything.

Those wells are part of the very old East Cement Marchand Unit. The original well numbers are often changed when a field goes to a waterflood unit. Several wells may go into the Walker 4 tank battery in 1-5N-10W . There were a lot of Walker wells, but most are P&A or inactive now. Same thing with the Estes wells (10-5N-9W). Production is pretty low now, so probably not worth too much stress.


I received the following reply from Daylight, in case anyone is interested:

"The two properties in question are internal properties and can be disregarded. The Estes 2A-5 was a well that was never drilled, but still had a property set up, and the Walker 4 tank battery was set up for internal purposes only. (stuff deleted). "

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Thank you VERY much. So, I guess what you are telling me is that these wells are old enough that they never had API numbers or they may be lost or overcome by events.

Many of the names had ECMU attached to them and now I know what that means. There was no indication of the meaning in any of the info that originally came in the spreadsheet that Daylight is using for Division Orders.

I have started digging through the documents OCC has attached to the 42 wells I inherited to see if my grandfather is somehow involved with these wells. There is a good chance that he is. He was an oilfield geologist in the '30s-70’s for various oil companies throughout Oklahoma and Texas. And Argentina in the late '30s.

Walker 2 is one of the wells on my list. I found transfer documents showing that Walker 2 may have been drilled (along with a bunch of others) in 1942. It is not producing.

They all had API numbers (and still do), but the tank battery locations may not since they are in a more central location and collect from many wells (or did). The wells have been sold so many times, that something is lost in the translation. If you want to know more about the unitization, let me know and I can show you where to look for the old maps and the orders. I suspect our grandfathers knew each other. Mine was one of the geologists for that area as well. 20’s-60’s. The good thing about the waterflood is that we still get paid on every well in the field that is still producing even though some of our original wells are no longer producing.

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