Are there currently active rigs?

Any currently active rigs in Dewey County?

Baker Hughes keeps track of rigs.
Here is a link to rigs by state. They used to have a map, but my old link isn’t working.

Here are all the rigs in Dewey County. Tons of active wells.RadGridExport(1).xls (1.6 MB)

“Active” wells would be different from active rigs. As of quite recently, I think there were only about 12-13 active rigs working in OK. Baker Hughes took down their map.

Here is the link to the OCC data mapping site. It is super slow. I used to be able to find active rigs on it. Not sure if it works anymore.

Looks like there was Mewbourne was using one rig near Seiling, Patterson 267 in early April 5-17N-17W.

Due to the large drop in oil prices in April, many companies are laying down rigs until the demand rises, the oversupply in storage is balanced out and the price of oil rises back to an economic level.

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