Asking for copy of our oil Lease

I just signed a division order as a part-royalty owner. Is it possible to see the actual lease with the mineral-rights/land owner from the oil production company somewhere. They state they cannot send it to us as we are not a signee of the lease.

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The lease should be on file at the county courthouse where the minerals are located. In some cases, it might just be a memorandum of lease, but that will have the basics, just not the complete lease with all the pages and clauses.

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We’ve had instances where we purchased or inherited producing minerals that we are not close to and needed a lease copy. I’ve called the County Clerk and asked to speak to any landman working in the office, and offered to pay them to copy the lease for me, and have had good luck with this. Ann Whitchurch

Not sure which state your property is in but Oklahoma has an online service where you can lookup and print County Clerk documents for a relatively small fee

Maybe your state has something similar @haney123

We are in Texas. I think I will call the county courthouse and ask them how to go about it. Thank you!

Do you own minerals which were leased by your predecessor in title and which would be subject to the lease terms? Or do you possibly own an NPRI which would not be subject to the lease terms, but will have the royalty rate defined in the original deed which granted the NPRI?

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I have a NPRI, and have just found out, the mineral lease, as you mention, is really not relevant to me.

But they want you to sign a document without knowing what you are signing about! What, When, Where and How. They could at least show how the NPRI was acquired.

The landman did show me the way the royalty was divided and how I got the particular NPRI I did, through inheritance.

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