Beaver: Unit Petroleum Co.; Hughes Trust No. 1-21H Well; E1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 (BHL) of 21-02N-23E; 57 barrels oil per day, 41,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 11,317.
Unit Petroleum Co.; Pugh B No. 1H Well; NW1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 (SL) of 17-02N-23E; 169 barrels oil per day, 47,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 16,208.
Unit Petroleum Co.; Rash No. 1-26H Well; S1/2 S1/2 S1/2 SW1/4 (SL) of 26-01N-21E; 109 barrels oil per day, 37,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 11,210.
Unit Petroleum Co.; Thornton No. 1-15H Well; N1/2 N1/2 N1/2 NE1/4 (SL) of 15-01N-21E; 133 barrels oil per day, 82,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 11,146.
Notice the Cabot Long Lateral (XL)!!! This is not the first but a hopeful trend. A Marmaton unit may only embrace 640 acres (to date) so the long laterals are Standup or Laydown 640's. It seems to be an incremental cost to the operator on additional lateral and additional completion stages while being a cost saving on not duplicating vertical portions. I look forward to a hopeful 1280 spacing that more cogently develops the region.
Yes, that is my location, they have drilled one well and moved over to drill the other
Beaver: Unit Petroleum Co.; Caldwell Trust No. 1-18H Well; SW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 18-02N-23E; 145 barrels oil per day, 53,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 11,030.
Unit Petroleum Co.; Cowan No. 1-3H Well; S1/2 S1/2 S1/2 SE1/4 (SL) of 03-01N-20E; Horizontal Hole TD 10,803.
Unit Petroleum Co.; Pearson No. 1-4H Well; NW1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 (SL) of 04-01N-21E; 145 barrels oil per day, 95,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,444.
Unit Petroleum Co.; Thornton No. 1-9H Well; SW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 09-01N-21E; 73 barrels oil per day, 63,000 cu-ft gas per day 11,148.
They finished the other well, sec 36, T6n, R28 ECM, no information yet. Do you know anything
Beaver: Cabot Oil & Gas Corp.; Morris Family No. 1-28H Well; NW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 28-01N-22E; 257 barrels oil per day, 2,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,961.
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp.; Morris No. 1-20 XLH Well; SW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 (BHL) of 17-03N-23E; 255 barrels oil per day; TD 15,768.
My sister and I own 162 acres in Beaver County. Section (19) Township Three North, Range (21) East of the Cimarron Meridian, Beaver County, Ok. We have (2) working gas wells that are leased with Beren Corporation out of Wichita, KS. My sister and I know little about the gas that is pumped from the (2) wells. We have been receiving less and less each month from our gas check that we receive. We have been approached by an Oil company out of Montana who is interested in drilling on our land, we would like to move forward with this company but can we if we have a lease with Beren? Can anyone educate us on the drilling that is going on in Beaver County and who we can contact to find out what our legal rights are on the mineral rights to our land? Thank you, Rosemary
Rosemary do you have a copy of the lease ? I show no record of gas sales after June 2012 .When was your last check dated ?
Yes we have a copy of the lease. My last check was dated Jan 2013
Really new to all this…we have an interest in the Lamaster No. 1H-23. It seems that it is (initially at least) producing above average for the area? (Based upon looking at other recent drilling reports). Is figuring prospective income as simple as multiplying anticipated production X the decimal equivalent of the % of our share on the division order X the anticipated price per barrel?
Rosemary Unless your lease has a depth clause it is likely held by production. If this were so you would have the same royalty interest in any new well as you do in the old well. The new co would have to get a lease under the tract and force pool it or maybe make a deal with the old co.
Michael That should get you in the ballpark . That completion report did look good at 741 BOD. Chaparral liked it so much they started another well.
Ron- thanks so much for the reply and info. I’ve been reading a lot on the website and certainly won’t spend money we do not yet have. Any ideas on how to determine the decline curve? Or does one need to analyze production over time to project that with any degree of certainty?
The completion test report is often misleading and different then the production rate. I understand that the decline curve on some of these Horiz. formations can be high in the first four years , but I don't know enough to tell you much about your formation. At 350 BOD They would have the cost to drill back in about 6 months give or take.
what does it mean when the drilling company goes under technical review after the well is drilled and producing?
It is nothing Unit Pet. will take care of it .DEQ is checking them out and Unit will fix anything they might find.
Angel drilled two wells on us in s36 6 n 28 ECM, they set a couple of tanks. Any idea of what that means
I could not even find a permit for a well on 36-6n-28e
We have been approached by a company to lease our minerals. The company's name is Montex. Has any one else in Beaver county been contacted by them? Any info on them?