Beware of Help with your mineral rights!

I have been a member of Mineral Rights Forum for many, many year’s! People need to be very very cautious about so called professional people on this forum giving free advise and wanting to help you! There are a lot of trolls on here just trying to get you to pay them and trying to buy your mineral interest for nothing! When someone wants you to private message them, beware!


And there are also legitimate professionals who are not interested in buying minerals. As with all “free advice”, use common sense and check out their professional backgrounds.


Thanks Mrs Barnes for all your help and free given knowledge, some of us do appreciate all of your free contributions and advice. God bless you always! R


I also thank you Mrs Barnes. You have never tried to buy anything from me. You love to serve people.


You are very kind. “Buying and selling” is one branch of the oil and gas business-my grandfather did that, “exploration and production” is another-the next two generations of my family did that. I own minerals and I have hunted the treasures within them. Having done the E&P for about 30 years, I choose the “steward and coach” branch now since I can be a bridge for questions from new owners. Time to give back.


This forum is a great resource to get pointed in the right direction. Some professionals do post in a way that provides direction to the forum members. Often these include questions or issues that the user has not considered. Nothing posted should be considered legal, investment or tax advice. Some professionals also benefit from the exposure this forum provides through posting and advertising (which helps pay the overhead of this site). Direct solicitation is not permitted. see below. If you are being inappropriately contacted you should report this to the forum administrator. The offending party will likely be warned and/or banned.

At the bottom of the private message you will see a bar with a flag. That can be used report inappropriate contact.
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This post is not legal, investment or tax advice, it is for discussion purposes only. Reading or responding to this post does not create an attorney-client relationship.


I truly appreciate you and your knowledge and advice you have given me when I ask for advice. You have been a God send for me!


I appreciate the common sense advice that you give, always read your posts.


Yes, there are some mineral buyers who lurk on this site.

There is also some iffy advice given by people, usually well meaning. You do need to check the background and the better rule is to get professional advice if you can afford to. I realize there are a lot of people who own small interests that this may not be an option for.

Also, please know that some professionals who do post on this site may be unable to answer a lot of questions because: 1) they are not sure if they have all the facts, and don’t want to be accused of giving professional advice; and 2) represent a lot of mineral and royalty owners, and can not be sure they are communicating with someone with whom they may have a conflict of interest.

Martha, Clint and others who come on and answer day to day questions are a godsend to many people and should be applauded.


@Mineral_Owner5 , if you have had a bad experience on this forum, please report via the flag for inappropriate contact via the moderators, or other, experienced members whose help is the lifeblood to many who have limited knowledge of mineral rights. Throwing out blanket, scare tactics does no benefit to any on this wonderful forum.

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Agree with Wade about iffy advice. There is some advice given on this site that is just flat out wrong and financially dangerous to those who abide by it.

One of the dangers is that some owners have substantial assets and money at risk. They ask for advice and then presumably rely on free advice given by anybody who has an opinion to post.

I think this site is a good start to get familiar with a subject, but if you have substantial minerals or money at risk, you need to pay for professional advice, instead of relying on questionable free advice. Don;t be penny wise and pound foolish.

And since we are giving kudos to Martha, I join in. You can rely on her advice and she is serving the greater good by giving of her time and education to help others out.

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Mark, a piece of the problem is that you tell the poster, they’re wrong, they just end up arguing with you. then others jump in with their own anecdotal stories. Its like beating your head against the wall.

Of course, it is always possible that I’m wrong and my 40+ years of legal experience doesn’t quite match up to the mineral owner who inherited their minerals a few years back.

Didn’t say anyone was wrong, just trying to point out the ways built in to this forum for reporting problems, rather than throwing out negative generalizations about “so-called professionals”. Not only has the original poster not argued with anyone, they have not posted a single reply to this thread…yes, trolling is alive and well :wink:

Understand. I’m not referring to this post. this was a good courteous discussion. Just referring to other discussions that have happened on this forum.

You have a good point.

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Thank you all for your replies! I understand this process a little bit better now. Fantastic group! Take care all! Tricia

I’ll stand by my post about self proclaimed “Professionals”. I’ve been around oil and gas leasing, pipeline right of ways, 2D and 3D, water rights and so on. Get on Facebook and troll all you want!

Wow! With all of that experience I guess you are a professional.


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