Biggest royalty check

Just for fun… what’s the biggest or most royalty check per acre you have heard of??? I was told once by one guy who owned stuff in Stephens County that he was averaging $2,500 per month per NMA on some of his stuff! That seemed unbelievable!!!

I hear that some of those Permian Texas and New Mexico wells have unbelievable production. Just would like to hear of some crazy success stories out there.

I was once drinking at a bar in Louisiana after work during the BP oil spill days and an older guy and his wife were in there drinking. He told me that they had been dirt poor all their lives as farmers and recently their farmland was drilled. He didn’t say the amount but disclosed they owned around a thousand acres and they will never have to worry about money again!!! My old neighbor outside of Bristow Oklahoma drove for Sunoco petroleum and told me about a well where he picks up 200 barrels per day every day so I imagine that was a nice producer for the mineral owners if it was just a vertical well?


Not bad.

& I’m happy for the farmer & his family.

There are minerals owners in ft worth area Barnett shale getting $40,000 per well

Wow just wow!!! How would you like to have a dozen of those every month? Maybe a total BS story and was secondhand story a guy told me about a rich farmer in I believe North Dakota that had FDIC limit accounts at every bank around. His truck dash was full of uncashed checks thrown around like they were just trash. Guy would wait until he had a good stack of them and then open a new account at a different bank.

Does remind me of 25 years ago on eBay they were selling land with 1/2 mineral rights outside Minot North Dakota owner financed with $500 down!!! I tried talking my wife into getting 320 acres for $32,000 and she said it was a bad idea!!! LOL

My biggest check ever per acre was a little over $2.500 a few months ago. CLR Long Creek Unit, North Dakota, Williams County. 1/5 royalty. My grandmother tried to sell her acres way back for $5 per acre. But we all have our family stories.


I find it hard to believe that anyone in the Ft. Worth area is getting $40,000 per well as most people don’t own that many minerals acres and it’s only gas. I live in Arlington, we have two Barnet shale well under our house, but we only have 1//2 A of minerals, so our checks are only 2 times a year. Some of the lot sizes are smaller and if you got about a mile from us, they put 4 to 5 houses on a lot. But, when we leased, they did pay up to $25,000 per acre and had a nice dinner hoping everyone would sign without reading the lease. It wasn’t a good lease.

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Nice to get 25k per acre. They are going to drill regardless in tx and Okla. That’s ancient law

Royalty per acre depends upon location, location, location. How many reservoirs, royalty rate, product produced, terms of the lease, deductions, number of wells drilled, vertical or horizontal and feet perforated, etc.

And the largest check is usually the first one which has several months of revenue in it. All the others will mostly be monthly.


A friend who owns 260 nma under a well in Garvin County received a first production check for $800,000. Remember, though, the first check is always the largest since it covers several months’ worth of production. He received large checks for about nine months and then the well started to peter out. Not uncommon for that to happen.


Wow that’s amazing! Can you imagine? I should have received a $200,000+ initial check from a well in Pittsburg county. It went North and South. We owned the section going North and according to the engineer he thinks they hit a fault or some structure that caused the well bore to flood with water. No fault going south and he said it was one of their best wells if not the best well they ever drilled. It produced around 2,000 times more production than our North well!!! He said the formation was so good that they might try to redrill the North well again and cement around the water intrusion area. I kind of chuckle every time we get a $100 check from them thinking it COULD OF/SHOULD OF been a $200,000 check!!!

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