Bonus amounts in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma

Is there a way to check for the highest paid bonus amounts in different sections in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma?

Welcome to the forum. The bonus amounts are private. The bonus amounts are paired with a royalty amount, so you need both pieces of information. The closest you can come is a pooling order within the eight contiguous (touching) sections to yours within the last year. Or you can pay for a subscription that essentially uses the same data and maybe some more inside knowledge. If you want to post the section, township and range, some locals on the forum may be able to help.

It’s a big county with diverse geology so trying to compare other sections to yours may be like comparing apples to oranges. If you have the time, you can search on line records for OGLs in your section or general area, get the information for various Lessors or Lessees, call them up and ask. All they can tell you is no. As Martha says, provide you S/T/R and maybe someone can help you out with surrounding pooling information, if available. Good Luck.

Thank you for your reply.

Roger Mills @ 3/16 royalty

S 4-12N-22W 36-17N–25W 24-17N-25W 31-17N-24W 30-17N-24W

Thank you for your time.

My brother and I just signed our 13.3 acres in section 26 13N 24W, for $1500/nma 1/4 royalty. “Mittelstadt enhancement/deductions clause.” Tried to get a true “No Deductions Clause” but everyone from 3rd party landmen to the operator wasn’t having it.

From a brief review of relevant filings, here is what I find: Section 4- nothing filed with OCC in this or any offset sections. Several companies leasing.

Sections 24 & 36- Several companies taking leases below the Cleveland. These sections are HBP so it all depends on if current lease has a depth clause. Offset poolings in 8/24 were for $1700 3/16ths; $1000 & 1/5; or $500 & 1/4th.

Sections 30 & 31-17N-24W: Were pooled for the Pasture Trail 31/30 well being drilled by Mewbourne. Poolings in 12/24 were for $1700 & 3/16 or $1000 & 1/4th.

Values for leasing are not public as Martha said and there are several factors that go into what a party can get for bonus. Like net acres owned, closeness to current drilling, etc.

Hope this helps.

thank you! I appreciate your time.

Thank you for your time!