Bottineau County

My brother and I inherited mineral rights in Bottineau County. Township 162 North, Range 83 West: Section 4: s1/2NW1/4: Lots 3 and 4.

Does anyone know if there is currently drilling close to that township? If anyone could help us out we would appreciate it!


My family has mineral rights in Twp 163 N, Range 81 West Section 05, 06 (Lots 6, 7)

I have spoken with someone who lives in that area and there presently is no drilling going on (assuming our land is fairly close to yours) From what I understand if they ever drill there, it will not be anytime soon.

Shayn, not currently. The is one old but still producing vertical well about a mile from you and another that produced and is now classed as an injection well. One day but not now I think.