Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Brazos County, TX. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.
are there any places in bryan/cs that i can get info on the oil.gas industry? new to all this and my lease (which is in polk co tx) is up in july and i would like to get all info i can before july comes. i also have small interest in brazos co. thanks
I am a land owner with approximately 830 acres available to lease for oil/gas. I am in negotiations currently. Does anyone have an idea of what the "going rate" is for bonus/ac in brazos county..the land is just outside Bryan/College Station off Hwy 30.
Was recently informed of oil lease companies in brazos county and wondering if ya'll can share some names of numbers for them.....thanks
names and numbers
apparently no one is visiting this blog..........but me......or........
This Discussion is being followed and monitored. Yes, oil and gas activity has picked up in the Brazos Valley. There are a number of oil and gas operators and lessees attempting to secure oil and gas leases from mineral owners on favorable terms to them. Where the property is located has tremendous impact on the bonus and royalty that will be offered. Additionally, very important terms should be included in leases to protect the mineral owner who owns the surface in order to realize the best value from an oil and gas lease and not affect the value of the surface of the property in a future sale.
Thank you very much...I have a place close to sandy point rd and hilton ln.......hoping to discover what outfit is leasing there abouts....
If you can help, would appreciate it.
How many acres and how much of the minerals do you own and do you also own the surface?
About 28, right now 75%, also surface.
Colette, thank you very much...
Do you have a place close to there?
YOu out passed college station?
used to be a graham northwest off of hwy 21
Have made contact with someone at petromax.....they all seem like they're super busy......but nice................
thanks again for the info
several companies are actively leasing in Brazos, including Silver Oak Energy Partners out of Ft Worth...will be in shale play and of course what part of county your minerals are located in...
Brazos County - Hi, I have also been contacted by a firm, San Saba about my mineral interest, in the Freeman-Creagor unit, 543 acres, T Caruthers survey, A-9, presently operated by Ener-Vest. I have no idea what is going on. I called Ener-Vest and they said I would have to put my request in writing to their land dept, which I am doing. I know the Eagleford play is moving that way, but I can get no info if something has been started or not. Is there anyone who could help with this, many thanks, jrs
Hello All, I have and unrecorded interest in Brazos county for ~160 acres of the Wm. Denver Survery A-14. I had a couple questions, and any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
First: When I check the County Records online, I find that the individuals from whom we purchased a portion of their interests in 1987 signed a lease with Union Pacific Resource Company in 1995. How can I go about finding out whether anything came of this, and if I were to record in Brazos this assignment now, I am assuming that I would not be eligible for receiving funds from suspense, is this correct? (I am still getting my feet wet learning this stuff)
Second: How would I check to see if there is any activity in the area now?
One of the wells that Union Pacific Resources drilled in 1995 is a gas well(API 041-31848) drilled to 13,000'. Another well they drilled in 1995 is also a gas well(API 041-31849) drilled to 13,000'.
Other wells drilled in the past in A-14:
API 041-31907 gas well/1997/Seneca Resources/11,771'
API 041-31966 gas well/2004/TDC Engineering/17,200'
API 041-31825 gas well/1994/Showdown Operating/15,000'
API 041-31884 gas well/1996/Shield Petroleum/15,000'
API 041-30570 gas well/1981/Daleco Resources/13,500'
The latest well to be drilled in your surrounding area is next door to the west of your A-14 in A-55/API 041-32243 drilled in March 2014 by Anadarko E & P/13,100'. No completion reports available on any of these wells.
Including a GIS Map of A-14 and surrounding area:
Clint Liles
Wow, thank you very much Clint. You've been a constant source of information in this project I have been working on, and I haven't yet said it. I'm still getting to know the RRC website map and search functions.
Re: Brazos A-14
The link below from the Tx RRC is the best way to see what is happening in your area. Go to the GIS map option (top left column) and search for your abstract. This will take you to this area and you can then scroll around and see what is happening.
I do know that Anadarka is drilling Eagle Ford wells just to the SW of your abstract and that Laredo is actively driling neat the Texas Speedway.