If you type in iodine in the magnifying glass search above, you will see another thread with iodine and bromide with more comments on the draft lease.
Here is part of it.
I attended an AAPG webinar on iodine by the company that is sending out the recent leases. My impression was that I was interested in the concept but didn’t think I could do a brine lease since my wells in the Blaine sections they were interested in were already in production. I have no surface interest.
And as a mineral owner, I have the understanding that the subterranean water is the property of the owner of the surface estate before drilling. If the water is part of fluids that would come up due oil and gas operations, then the contract for any brine processing by the surface owner would have to be done BEFORE the filing of the permit for an oil and gas permit. My wells are already drilled and I have no surface, so would not apply to me.
After the drilling has commenced and without a surface agreement to the water, I understand that the operator (not the mineral owner) owns the water that is produced.
I was relying on this geologist’s read of the 2022 OK statues Title 52,-86.6, 7, 8 and the OK Brine Development Act. OK Stat tit. 17 sec 504. I have attached portions of the relevant parts.
My comments on some of the lease drafts that I have seen are: -I would never lease multiple sections on the same lease and tie them all together, Oil and gas or brine leases. Never, never…
-I would never lease surface rights and mineral rights on the same lease and I would not warrant title. Each of those estates have different rights, so I would not combine on the same lease.
-I saw no shut in clauses or time frames, so I would not want a conflict with my oil and gas lease (if it applied). The Cessation of Operations was not a good clause as I read it because it could conflict with the oil and gas lease in time frames.
-I saw so many other red flags, that there is no way I would sign that draft without an attorney taking a hard look at it. I saw the draft lease as too early in the financial brine extraction experimental cycle to conform to any OCC rulings, so won’t touch with a 10-foot pole for me.
2022 Oklahoma Stat 52 86.7.docx (20.3 KB)
Legal folks, feel free to comment…