Burke County ND Drilling

Hi All,

I have seen a few posts recently about an uptick/increase in queries about mineral rights in Burke County. Has anyone had any inquiries about the following areas;

Township 163 North, 91 West, Sections 14, 15, 21, 22, 30 31


Township 161 North, 90 West, Sections 19, 20, 28, 29, 31, and 32


Township 161 North, 91 West, Section 14

Also, does anyone know why there is a sudden increase in Burke? Is it real (first of all)? Is it something “global” about the county? Just curious why there would be new action going on (assuming that is correct).

Thank you for your help!

Township 163 North, 91 West, Sections 14, 15, 21, 22, 30 31- 15 and 22 already have two horizontal wells, so unlikely to be leased again unless there is a new horizon that was not previously leased. No leases in the last two years on most of the other sections, but there have been leases in sections 21/28.

Township 161 North, 90 West, Sections 19, 20, 28, 29, 31, and 32-19, 20, 29, 31 and 32 already have horizontal wells. Grayson Mill is leasing in 28.

Township 161 North, 91 West, Section 14- no leasing yet but leasing in sections nearby.

If you have mineral rights and are not getting paid on the horizontal that already exist, you have to contact the operators.

Companies are leasing where they think the reservoirs will be good and they will make money. The Bakken reservoir is not done for a good long while.

I have been getting inquiries for 162-94, but they have been mostly junk (low bonus, warranty of title, order for payment (not a check). It seems as if they are trolling for mineral owners desperate event for trivial amounts of cash. I have not even bothered to make a counter offer until they get serious.

You are spot on @John_Murray with these “tells” of junky efforts. It’s my hope that with good advice from those like you who know the difference between sheep and goats, that mineral owners across America will get educated and get informed.

We’re trying! This blog is extremely helpful to those of us who are trying to figure it all out.

Got an offer to buy my mineral rights at 161N-94W-12 for $1350/ acre from a company called V-Arrow Energy. A very vague letter.

Inherited rights in Burke County in 2010 that produced initially but like most, gradually tapered off. Location: 160N-94W-6?? The area had only (1) well being utilized but by Diamond/Continental who appeared to have that area sewn up so research in 2024 indicated few, if any offers surfaced.

A difficult decision to part with the minerals that had been in the family at least 100 years, a sibling chose to sell his rights in 2018. W no kids or anyone to pass my share to, I countered 3 times, getting an offer up higher but not for $1350/acre as Dale hinted at.

Do not have the history of working knowledge that most here possess but believe it is all based on location, location, location and what had been produced and/or if more than one well was in operation.

Vague doesn’t work for anyone. I’d be leary.

Active leasing in 161N-94W-12. Looks like someone might be interested in coming back and drilling the sections that don’t already have a horizontal. Many offers to buy come before the bit.

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