Call from a landman

I received a letter from a Landman stating that I may own a mineral interest in Tyler County and they have interest in leasing it for oil and gas exploration and he wants me to call him. I was not aware of this and don’t even know where to start to get information, but I’d like to know a few things before I call him. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. I’m not even sure who the original owner/purchaser was. I’m assuming my grandfather but it came with my mothers name on it who has passed away. When I did a county search my mothers name didn’t bring anything up.

Thanks in advance Bethany

Knowing the Tax Map number, your grandparents names would help someone to be able to help you?

My grandfather was Charles Kittle and grandmother was Oni Weaver-Kittle. I searched Tyler County clerk and nothing came up for their names either.

Call the guy. He will give you the information you seek. You have nothing to lose by gaining information.

I found those people on but couldn’t connect them to Tyler county. You may need to do some genealogy work.

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