Callon Tubbs permit

Callon has a permit to drill about two miles southeast of Tahoka. Clint Liles posted it 2/4 but no news since. It looks like a step-out science well, vertical, aimed at the Spraberry, Mississippian, Ellenburger and Strawn formations. Perhaps they're hoping to duplicate the success SM had in far southeast Lynn with the Dana wells in the center of the county.

Based on what little information I've seen, Callon is taking a pretty big chance here. Of course, if it works, that would be very good news. I'm hoping some of the folks in the area can post on developments as this moves forward.

Pad is built. As far as I know drilling rig coming in about a week or two. Raw energy is completing a well about eight miles west and four or so south. Rumor is it looks very promising. As well as the seismic study that ran through the southern part of the county reported to be very promising.

Thanks for the update. I get back to the Lubbock area two or three times a year, but in between hearing from folks in these forums is really very helpful.

My uncle's place is next to the Kendall II lease that Raw is drilling. Word is the farmer told our farmer they hit it BIG. I dunno how big big is...but it's good news none the less.

Josh Rumor has it that it is worth developing. They drilled into the fusselman formation. Heard it was 14 feet of pay. Have to wait and see what the production report says when it gets post to the RRC. I talk with the rig Forman for raw on occasion. He is not at liberty to say much.

Thanks for the info Ralph. Is 14ft of pay zone good?

Josh. I am a novice to all this oil stuff 14 feet does not sound very good to me. But if there is oil then it good. The finner tubbs well I can toss a rock from our place and hit the pad so I will get as much info. As I can.

That's what I was thinking too. Will look forward to hearing from you.

Went by the site this morning. Pit is full and starting to bring some things to the pad. Should not be long till they start.

Thanks. It may be a good while before the results become clear. Best of luck.

Ralph, any new news on kendall?

Josh Pad is cleared I suppose the work over rig will come and then we will have to wait for the report to the RRC on production. Lots of activity this afternoon on the fender tubbs site. Think they will be drilling by the weekend or early next week.

14 ft is not that unusual in the Fussleman. That formation is only about 50 ft maximum from what I have read about it.

Ralph Huffaker said:

I am a novice to all this oil stuff 14 feet does not sound very good to me. But if there is oil then it good. The finner tubbs well I can toss a rock from our place and hit the pad so I will get as much info. As I can.

Callon site 2016-image.jpg (114 KB)

Come on Spinnaker!!

Here are excerpts of what Callon had to say today in its earnings call relating to the Lynn/Borden area and the new well in Lynn in particular. Looks like we may learn a good bit more in May.

Hsulin Peng - Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Research Division

Okay, got it. Sounds good. And then second question is -- I know you guys were -- I think you guys were testing some vertical wells in Borden and Lynn County. Can you just give us an update in those 2 counties?

Gary A. Newberry - Senior Vice President of Operations

You bet, Hsulin. What we've done, again, we -- just think back. We're really excited about what the results are of the Lacey Newton well. I mean, after months of production, that well stood just steady, steady at 90, 95 barrels of oil a day. And we've done a lot of technical work around how do we repeat that result. And that's really what our goal is, is to try to repeat that result, prove that that's a repeatable vertical play, which would be incredibly profitable. So what we've done is we've just drilled the well. We've only drilled the well. We've got some logs. We're not going to talk too much about it at this point in time. But we'll be completing that well in probably the next 2 to 4 weeks, once we do all the petrophysical work on it, and then we develop the right fracture stimulation. And then we'll provide those results to you probably in the May call.

. . .

Raymond J. Deacon - Brean Capital LLC, Research Division

Okay. Got it, got it. And maybe in terms of the Northern acreage. You talked about being a little bit more confident in derisking there. I guess, are there any key results that you're looking towards in this year or could we hear anything in the next quarter or 2 that would you make you more encouraged about the economics there?

Gary A. Newberry - Senior Vice President of Operations

Yes. I think I mentioned earlier that we've drilled a well and we've got up some cores and we've got some logs and we're looking at it and trying to figure out similarly what it tells us as it relates to our pretty exciting Lacey Newton well. And beyond that we're -- I'm not going to talk to you much about that, we're still working very hard to put together the right completion for this well. We'll have it tested probably before our next call. And then we're in the process of drilling another well in our Lynn County acreage and hopefully, we'll have it down and logs and core evaluated and potentially tested before our next call as well. So we might be able to give you a good bit detail on the Northern acreage during our next call.

Setting intermediate casing today

Thanks for the update Ralph

Came out of the hole this morning. And look like the are at TD trucks lining up look like the are going to begin moving the rig going back this afternoon see if the put more casing in. Not one word or rumor on this well.

Thanks for the update Ralph. The one rumored to be 700bpd is the Kendall lease?