I am reviewing some ownership agreements and do not understand the subdivision. I am far from an expert, but I have a basic understanding the PLSS system.
I cannot figure this out.
Section 2: N/2SW/4, SWSW/4, NESE/4
I assume it’s three subdivisions in this area with the comma separation, and I understand N/2SW/4 (North half of the Southwest quarter of the section. 80 acres), but I don’t know what SWSW/4 (Southwest WHAT??? of the SW quarter of the section). What does SW mean without a subdivision number? The same goes for NESE/4.
@paulhoran, you are on the right track.
SWSW/4 is just southwest quarter of the southwest quarter. Can also be shown
as SW4SW4 or SWSW or SW¼SW¼.
SW, SE, NW, NE usually imply quadrant
or quarter and the slashes and numbers
are sometimes omitted.
It’s always a quarter unless specified i.e /2 (half). Its that quarter that it came from ( you have to read backwards, think of the surveyor is breaking down the section in quadrants as it keeps getting smaller and smaller. They could have left the “/4” out, but it helps to clarify that it is a Qtr.
Yes. I count 160 acres based on these legal descriptions, and I’ve seen abbreviations like this sometimes go NWNW4 rather than NW4NW4. Your mineral deed or lease will contain some more information and clarity on the acreage you have. If you don’t have a copy of it, you can obtain it from your County Clerk’s land records office.
If you’re still uncertain after looking at the deed or conveyance, you can always go up the title chain or look at what everybody else has in the section. Sometimes that can provide a little more clarity. Bottom line, if you’re willing to do the work, there’s resources to figure out what you have.