Cannot understand SWSW/4 subdivision in a Nevada lease agreement

I am reviewing some ownership agreements and do not understand the subdivision. I am far from an expert, but I have a basic understanding the PLSS system.

I cannot figure this out.

Section 2: N/2SW/4, SWSW/4, NESE/4

I assume it’s three subdivisions in this area with the comma separation, and I understand N/2SW/4 (North half of the Southwest quarter of the section. 80 acres), but I don’t know what SWSW/4 (Southwest WHAT??? of the SW quarter of the section). What does SW mean without a subdivision number? The same goes for NESE/4.

Any insight would be appreciated.

@paulhoran, you are on the right track. SWSW/4 is just southwest quarter of the southwest quarter. Can also be shown as SW4SW4 or SWSW or SW¼SW¼.
SW, SE, NW, NE usually imply quadrant or quarter and the slashes and numbers are sometimes omitted.

It’s always a quarter unless specified i.e /2 (half). Its that quarter that it came from ( you have to read backwards, think of the surveyor is breaking down the section in quadrants as it keeps getting smaller and smaller. They could have left the “/4” out, but it helps to clarify that it is a Qtr.