Hello Forum, Am receiving pressure to farm out 10 acres (section 30, T1S,R3W, Carter Co. and unsure what may be planned for the area. More significantly, it’s only 10 acres which leads me to think I’m holding someone up from a “bigger fish”. I have an interest in a marginal vertical wellbore on site that remains in production, not that it’s germane to the issue. Anyone have any insight why this farmout is desirable? Comments & insight greatly appreciated.
Scissortail has filed quite a few cases at the OCC for that section. Increased density, horizontal wells, etc. If you have not gotten any of them, you need to contact them immediately to get on the mailing list. Read your old lease agreement and see if you have a depth clause. New leases are up to 1/4th. Do you mean that you are getting lease offers or a farm out offer?
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