Ed in order for any one to sell land or minerals there has to be a chain of ownership. Each change of ownership had to go in front of a judge with supporting documents.
I am surprised that a person can have all these mineral interest and not have much to show for it. Too many straight holes.
Section 24 3S 3E is very close to the current action by XTO in eastern Carter and western Johnston counties.
Ne/4 nw/4 nw/4 and nw/4 ne/4 nw/4 and sw/4 nw/4 nw/4 and nw/4 nw/4 nw/4 of section 15, t4s, r2w
Do you have the location of the mineral interest in Carter Co.? Some areas are producing while other are just get some interest, and then some have not interest. What are the Section, township, and range of your mineral interest, if you don’t mind.
I looked at the county leasing records and not much is happening in 24 right now. But that is not news to you. Unless you need to the money, I would sit tight, but you can always sell a piece of one or two mineral interest.
I have been waiting 2 years, every since XTO asked for INCREASED DENSITY, but nothing has happened except a lot of drilling all around us.
Anyone know of leasing status for Sec 8 4S 2E? Understand drilling or fracking going on S5 3S 2E. Have 1/3 mineral interest in 132 acres on Sec 8 4S 3E,
Completed two wells on 4 4s 2e last August
How are they coming along reworking the well on the south side of Ardmore?
Did anyone have a chance to read the 16 page affidavit XTO recorded at the County Clerks office in Sept 2013?
If so, what was the purpose? I am trying to find out if I should get a copy.
8 4S 3E and 5 3S 2E are about 6 or 7 miles apart.
The last lease I could find, was recorded on 6/21/2012. They are all around your mineral interest, but no activity.
Janet, I would hang on for a bit. 35-1S-4W just had offers for $1500 3/16 or 1100 1/5. Horizontal drilling is moving in!
I had an offer from Citation on my minerals in Sec 30 1S 3W. Did not sell, any activity?
Thanks, Janet
I was checking out the activity in 3S SE, or lack of it, and I noticed that XTO was still active in section 34 3S 3E on the 8 HERROIT (sp) wells. But what caught my eye was wells 3, 4, 5 and 6, all drilled from the same pad, where spaded between 9/16-24/2013 and have not had a Completion Report filed. Seems strange to me that XTO would go to this effort when the section was already held in production.
The Daily Oklahoman has completion reports in today’s paper for 3S 2E Sections 22 & 23:
Cantrell wells 2,3,4,5 & 6. Also Sam 2 & 3.
You can get details free in Business Section under Energy, Energy prices 3/21:
Thanks for the good info.
I see that Continental has asked for spacing on the OCC site for sections 26 and 35 in 5S-3W. Getting closer to our interest in sections 14 and 23. Does anyone else on here have min interest in those sections?
Today’s Daily Oklahoman has XTO permits listed for Ginger 6,8,& 9 in Section 36, 3S3E.
Looks like Continental is going to drill a multi-unit horizontal well in sec 26 and 35 , 5S-3W.