Hello, Recently my family received via certified mail an application for pooling. In addition to the pooling order that was sent after some digging I discovered that there is also an application for well spacing and mulitunit well. My question is - Should those orders for spacing and mulitunit have been sent to us via certified mail to my family as well?
Yes, you should have received the application for well spacing and multiunit well if you were also included on the pooling application covering the same section.
Yes, you should have received the application for well spacing and multiunit well if you were also included on the pooling application covering the same section.
Any person owning an interest in the spacing unit should received the application for well spacing. I believe technically they are required to provide proof of mailing, but not proof of your receiving it. If your address is correct on the application it could have just gotten lost. The pooling application is the one that minerals owners often say they did not receive, so they are usually sent certified mail. Their land person has testify at these hearings that everyone was sent notice. When you receive the Pooling Order you only have a short time to elect your pooling options and/or whether you will participate in the drilling of the well. Return your answer by certified mail in a timely fashion.