Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Chambers County, TX. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.
Mr. Kinsey,
Was any of your acreage included in the Samson or Fairways shoot?
We leased to Samson, I believe, through Genesis. I am hoping they are going to shoot our property or close enough to it. I don't know how I would know for a fact however as I am not living nearby.
thank you,
Dear Mr. Kinsey,
I do not have a shoot outline, but if you contact Samson, they will likely tell you if your lands are included in the shoot. If you leased prior to shooting, they might have already had some sort of lead on or near your acreage.
Fairways drilled an 18,000 ft dry hole in November. They are doing their shoot now. I do not know if Samson is in data collection stage or not.
please call me Bob if ok to call you Buddy? Thank you very much for the suggestions. I didn't think there was going to be any drilling until the seismic was all done, so that is interesting and not encouraging that they drilled an 18,000 ft dry hole last November. Bob
Dear Buddy, what is your email?
thank you,
Bob Kinsey
I’ve was contacted by a landman on Friday offering me a $200 bonus 25% royalty on my 12% of 200 acres in Chambers County- 3 yr lease - seems low.
I leased to Fairways in 2009 for a $500 bonus. Got a release from them. Now this other company wants it.
Reading your posts, now I know why they didn’t exercise their option.
What are bonuses going for now ?
This group only has 22 members with no post since 2013.
Is anything happening in Chambers County? I have looked at texasfile.com and courthousedirect.com and am not seeing much leasing activity.
I last leased to Etoco LP in 2006 and that was for A-293 which included 235 gross acres on the east side of this abstact. However I also own in A-435 and A-154, all with very small ownrship interest but would still like to have something going on.
thanks for any thoughts/suggestions or even relfections on the good old days.
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Attachment: 2018-04-30%20-%20NARO-TX%20Convention%20Agenda%20%28Hyatt%29%20invite.pdf