Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Coal County, OK. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.
Is there anyone in here that has OGM interests in Coal County? My mother has interests there and wells are being built, but it’s now been 4 years since her lease check arrived - no royalty checks to date. Can anyone recommend a good OGM Appraiser and also an attorney to represent us as we’re no where near OK.
Thanks in advance.
Hi rgrswife,
Well, it looks like there are now only two of us in the Coal Co. group, but that’s double the size it was yesterday. I wish I could help you with your question, but I’m afraid I’m as in the dark as you and I, too, am waaaaaay out of state. You might try asking the same question in the General Mineral Rights Discussion group, since an appraiser who can help you probably covers a wider area of OK than just Coal Co. Good luck.
Thanks Diane. I don’t think I have any immediate need for an appraiser or attorney, but will if my mom passes away as it would be considered part of her estate. My brother said that as they are just “building” and haven’t actually started drilling, that there is “no value” until we actually start seeing some checks. Oh well, if anyone else has advice on this matter, please let us know.
If you will tell me the Section Township and Range, I will try and look it up and see what there is to tell you.
Matthew - sorry I haven’t responded before, but my husband just had two back surgeries and it’s been kind of hectic. I will get the Section Township and Range for you possibly this weekend. Thank you.
No problem. As they say,Life Happens. Let me know if I can help you in any way. If you would rather not post your information on a public board, send me a private message.
Hello everybody, we were trying to find out about the drilling future of woodford shale wells we have wells in section 2-3N-11E Dawson is holding of on the 3-D siesmatic on our land just wondered if the drilling is going to slow down. I am very new to this all I’m trying to read and research what I can I have learned a lot from this site reading comments from the professionals Geologists on here you guys know this business for sure
I do not see anything pending at the commission in that particular section and I am not near enough to the courthouse to run any records.
We have three wells that will be completed in two weeks according to the Rig mgr. I talked to them on the rig site. He said they were going to be good wells how can I find out the production of each well, when they are completed in two weeks.
Hey Matthew - I finally had a few minutes to get the info. It’s section 17, township 1S, range 11E. Any info you can find out about the progress would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for bearing with me.
Judy, the National Assn. of Royalty Owners (NARO) has national conventions (and some state’s conventions) with excellent seminars about leasing. I have learned so much from the seminars, their message board and from networking with other members. www.naro-us.org/
I received an offer from Jackfork Land, Inc. for 125 an acre on s32 +33 T1S R9E
Not sure what to do on this as I am new to this business. Any thoughts you might like to share?
Thanks Ann for answering me. I have two tracts one is only 2ac and the other is10ac. They are on two seperate leases and the offer is 3/16. I totaly understand that that I know nothing about this business and am thinking of taking a landman course just to find out the things I do not know. Thank you for taking the time. You have been very helpful.
Judy, the royalty percentage is as important, if not more important, than the lease bonus. It also depends on the size of your mineral tract. On small tracts I try to get 1/4th royalty with no bonus. Do not lease for 1/8th.
There are a number of other protective lease clauses that are important - too many to go into on a msg. board.
Thanks Ann, I will look into the NARO. I appreciate your input.
Hi, I have a few questions. I have a Mineral Deed with the description of …Centrahoma B10 L13 and B10 L10-12 and B15, B22, B27 Partial B2, L1-6, B13, L1-2.
Then I have minerals in Sec27, Sec 22, Sec. 25, Sec o8 and Sec.09
What is the Centrahoma, a subdivision?
Any info about activity would be appreciated. Thanks!!
Centrahoma is a town. I’m guessing B stands for block and L stands for lot.
To get a location on your minerals that are not in City Limits you need Township & Range (T and R) as well as Section number.
Does anybody know how long after fracking is completed the wells go online just wondering I heard it could take sometime our wells were capped last may and we. Have been impatiently waiting for them to start fracking now they are almost done appreciate any knowledge of how fracking completions work