Does anyone know when these wells will be completed? Chester 1 is not paying anymore either…anxiously waiting!
Chester 1-32H was still online as of April. They may have shut it in for a few weeks while they were hydraulic fracturing the other wells. They do that for safety.
They should be online fairly soon.
Thanks, that was what I figured, but would love to see some results! I know it takes 6 months or so from completion!
A trick to finding out when they are in sales is to look at the Gross Production OK tax site. The “active” date is pretty close to the sales date. I just checked this morning and they are posted now. Type in 32 07N 06W in the legal location box and you will find them. You will not see any production history for about four or so months as they are way behind in uploading.
I have yet to see any completion reports in these Chester wells. I have friends that live near there telling me they were fracked several months ago.
Since the wells did not have first sales until July, you probably won’t see a completion report until about November.
Thank you so much for the info. Where did you see that there were sales in July?
The Gross Production tax portal listed above in red. The Active Data is posted. The actual sales amounts are not yet posted as they are usually four-six months behind.
Thank you so much, I appreciate the info.
Has anyone received Division orders yet for the 2 Chester wells? CLR stated two months ago that they would be sent at end of year.
Just got Division Orders today for Chester 2 and 3