How is the best way to find completion reports? Is there a website that you can put in an API number or some other identifying number and have it search it out for you? Also is there a site that explains what all the abbreviations or initials (such as API or the letters they use under Status on the OCC website) mean?
Type in the location such as 1405N04W. You need the leading zeroes. Completion report is 1002A
The API number and often the PUN number will be on the report.
AC means active
SI means Shut In
G is Gas, O is Oil
What other ones do you need?
I thought that AC might be active but wasn't sure. Thanks. I also saw a PA and TM that I was wondering about. Thought of another question as well, is there a site that you can put the operator number in and get information about that operator?
The Operator Info is on the OCC website as well.
PA is Plugged and Abandoned
API is American Petroleum Institute