Comptroller office distribution

Is it legal for the comptroller office to only distribute a small portion of the proceeds listed on their website? After ive jumped thru hoops to provide all the info they requested for 11 months they finally send a check that is only a small portion of the listed checks i made claim for? Can they just keep money after they have received interest money off of the money for possibly years ? And how do they decide how much to allow you to receive of those claims?

May depend upon the state. They will only release what they are certain belongs to you. Contact them back and ask what other information they need to get the rest of the listed checks. Keep copies of all your conversations or letters/emails.

Ive emailed and no response to any of my questions.

Are you the sole heir to the proceeds in question? For example - if you are trying to claim funds in the name of a grandparent and there are 10 grandchildren as lawful heirs, it doesn’t seem fair that one heir should be able to receive funds that may be split among ten heirs.

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Mineral rights have been n my name for last 15 years. But honestly Im actually tired of trying to get what belongs to us. Thid has been a rediculous redundant process its not enough for me to keep struggling over this has been 13 months now. So im just gona let them keep the rest i mean they decide to send me about a fourth of total so pretty sure they want the rest or they would have sent full amount. Just doesnt seem right they pick n choose however much they want to send you with no explanation and dont respond to emails inquiring on the balance. Never will know who makes decision on how much you actually receive even tho they made interest off the money they were holding an extra year after i started the claims lengthy process. So im sure they have given me the owner all they are willing to release. And im just done with all the b.s. they should have sent it all instead of small portion since i am legal owner. Something is wrong with that either way i look at it. Since ive gotten no response back from the one i was corresponding with. That was just wrong how they gave sum but not all thats obvious. They have given me a clearer picture of how they operate.

I did with no responses back of course. This whole thing has been chaos from the start. Ive about decided its not worth all the last 12 months ive been dealing with them. But im sure thats what they want.

We are still missing numerous facts to understand why you have not received the full proceeds. Generally, states do not arbitrarily decide how much to pay you for a claim (as opposed to paying out the full balance). My suggestion is that you contact the Director of the Comptroller office, preferably by certified mail.

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