Comstock: A Fast Start For The New Year!

On January 2 and 3, Comstock submitted W-1 drilling permit requests for four new wells in Leon County:

Once these are approved, Comstock will have permitted ten wells in Leon County in their Lower Bossier/Haynesville play.

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I saw that too. It’s great news and I look for them to move a little further East toward I 45 between Buffalo and Centerville where I have some family minerals to lease!

Me to. I’m a little farther east along the Trinity river. I heard from the TRRC they would be in our area in 4 to 5 years if the plan holds.

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The RRC mapping indicates that the two Deornellas wells are stacked laterals…will be interesting to see the depth differences. Is the bottom one in the Haynesville?


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