Comstock Acquires deep rights from Yellowjacket and Tanos

A 253-page assignment document was filed on November 21 in Leon County indicating that Comstock has acquired deep rights on 2,390 HBP leases in Freestone, Leon, and Robertson Counties. The sellers are DP Yellowjacket Holdco, LLC and Tanos TX Holdco, LLC.

The deep rights are defined as the base of Bossier Sand through the top of Cotton Valley Lime.

In their most recent quarterly report, Comstock stated that they owned just over 453,000 net acres in what they call their Western Haynesville operation. It appears likely that this new acquisition will put them over 500,000 net acres.

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According to a source is that nearly all new or recent larger pipelines that are under construction in Texas are Natural Gas. Supposedly Oil will be transported by Railroads. Natural Gas from the Permian Basin is being put in and transported at a loss to the mineral owners depending upon their lease terms.

There is a gas pipeline under construction in Leon County, and Comstock is building a gas treatment facility nearby.

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Approximately where and when will Comstock be constructing the treatment plant in Leon County? Near Marquez?

Yes, I believe near Marquez.

is that the pad they have up on CR348 right off 79 by the Leon Co School?

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