Comstock well facilities

Does anyone know the average pad size that Comstock is using? One well per pad, or more? What production/treating facilities? Is there significant formation water production? Thanks in advance.

Well pads are ~10 acs. with 2 well heads per pad. 2 HP 3 phase, 1440 psi, separators, 2 electric gas coolers, 2-6” meter tubes for measuring gas from each well and a 8” meter tube to measure total gas into sales gas pipeline. 2 tanks for each well, water and condensate, Very little fluid total. Also two NG Gensets for electricity for coolers and air compressor for supply gas to operate dumps and chemical pumps. Small operations building 8x10 on site. This is on the Powell and Hogue well site. Most other well pads will be similar hookups.

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Thanks much. The pad size required for production is tiny compared to what is required for fracturing. Wonder if they will ever release the unneeded area?