Conveyance on Mineral Interests

Hello everyone, Right now, we have some ORR interests in Upton Co, TX that is under my mother’s name. She is planning on splitting her time between the US and overseas and wants convey her ownership into a joint name with her and me. It seems pretty straightforward but my question is should I still go about using an attorney/landman to transact this or maybe a standard conveyance form will do?

Thanks for your input and I’m learning a lot on the MRF forum.

  1. Does this have any value to you?
  2. Is it important to you?
  3. Are you going to be upset or disappointed if not done correctly, or you have to do an estate proceeding because the conveyance was not done correctly?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, you should seek professional help in the drafting of the assignment.


Thanks, and yes you’re right–best to have this done correctly than to possibly pay the price down the line

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