Cotulla Mentioned on Yahoo Finance

Short article on the Eagle Ford Shale boom in South Texas

Great article, Thanks for sharing, Dave. Has anyone heard anything recently on what folks are being offered for leases in La Salle County?

Laura: Leases in La Salle County are for those that have held out. I hadn't heard anything about current leases, since I'm on the seismic side. However, one would venture to guess that if you've held out this long, it's about 50/50 that you will be offered a high price. Depending on what the seismic data will show in the next year. if you have a small tract of land, surrounded by leased properties, don't expect a "great" deal of money in bonus. However, it doesn't hurt to negotiate. Just my personal experience there. Nothing current to substantiate it though.

Dear Ms. Schlisler,

i closed a deal last week for 3000 PAB/3yrs PU, no kicker, 25%, cost free and a lease that is guaranteed to create acid indigestion.

Laura Schisler said:

Great article, Thanks for sharing, Dave. Has anyone heard anything recently on what folks are being offered for leases in La Salle County?

Buddy, I need to visit with you. Is email better?

Thanks everyone for your responses. The time is drawing near for another lease negotiation (in May) and I want to gather everyone's opinion. I have heard a wide range ...from $1000 to $6,000 ...though Buddy is the only one I've actually seen confirmed. Brandon, we aren't holding out. We are near the end of our second three year lease...neither of which has been anywhere near the figures I quoted above. We have 160 mineral acres. Had numerous offers last time around, though we live out of state so were not up to speed on what was really happening. Now we're more educated :>) Thanks to all of you. Laura

Sure brandon.

Call or write anytime. Go to my webpage here and there will be links to my home page with contact information.

Brandon Sneed said:

Buddy, I need to visit with you. Is email better?

I did want to add that family members did sell a portion of their interests for $5,000 per mineral acre last October,

I had an offer IN WRITIING for $6,000 for a portion of mine, though I chose to not sell after some discussion with my husband and also my attorney and a friend in the royalties business. Now, that was a year ago. And as you are aware of, these numbers do not show up in final paperwork at the courthouse.