CRDTX 1099s going out late

Does anyone else have a lease with CRDTX and haven’t received your 1099 yet. I reached out and they said they were sending them at the end of February. Isn’t that against the law? They should have issued them by January 31st, right?

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Sound like they confused date due to you (Jan 31) with filing date due to IRS (Feb 28 ).

I just got one today was online last week - but appears to be a revision of one that was sent a month ago? I don’t know. I just forwarded it to the CPA and let them deal with it.

Hello im new to this chat. I have been sitting on the first offer i got from CRDTX and i tead you all said it was to low . Same as i felt. Can i link up with you all on it . I appreciate it as im in Arizona.

Hello i was wondering what percentage was negotiated for Royalties? I never mailed the first offer from CRDTX llc

This topic is about 1099-Misc for royalty income who report on tax return. You need to post your question about an oil and gas lease offer in the particular state and county site on forum.