Anyone in this area who had been dealing with EP Energy and now Javelin, have any tips on how to get a response to questions as to why we have had no income in 3 months. All questions are to be filtered through Pakenergy. We have been waiting for weeks since getting a cursory response of “we will look into it and get back to you”.
WolfePak (pakenergy) is an accounting software that is used throughout the industry. The question should be answered by Javelin [accounting department?]. There are many reasons why you may not be getting paid: decrease in production / revenue, wells being worked on, shut-in to frac nearby wells, etc. That being said it is common to get radio silence from operators after a cursory response such as the one you received; keep following up or wait until next month.
Welcome JHough to the forum.
Many mineral owners in Utah have been frustrated with Javelin’s owner relations, me included, but let me give you some recourses you can research on you own to be more prepared to engage with Javelin when they get back to you. Go to this link and search for your well(s). I usually use the map search and zoom into the well in question because I know where my family wells are located. If you don’t know the location you can search by well name etc in the left hand bar. The site takes a while to figure out but it is a wealth of information. Once you find you well(s) represented by a small green dot, hover over it and then click on the blue API number then click on it. A screen will come up with lots of links and information but the one you want is “Production” click on it and the full well history of production of oil, gas, and produced water will show.
You can also see if the wells were shut in and have no production.
Hope this helps. I would encourage you to join NARO and we also have a Utah royalties association that I can share more information on if you are interested.
Following up on this, the title shows that you received your interest by way of an assignment so you may have a working interest. Furthermore, the production from @Gordon’s link above shows the well produced 1 BBL in 09/23 which probably means some maintenance. If you own a WI, you will be charged your % of the expenses so Javelin will need to recoup your share before paying revenue. It looks as though production levels have returned to pre-work levels so you can expect some payment soon. Gas numbers are even higher than before so maybe they were installing a gas lift.
After researching with Gordons link, I did find our well. There was a shut in in November and production of gas only in December. We do have a working interest as my father-in-law was one of three original partners in the well. We would just like someone at Javelin to let us know what’s going on.
Just curious where your wells are and the name of the wells. There may be new permits for your drilling unit. Most wells now are 2 mile horizontal wells that cover 1280 acre drilling units. Also, if there are no royalty payments for a while that may be very good news, you may be able to lease your interest at a high bonus and royalty rate or possibly choose to participate in new wells. The going rate for new leases in areas that are being drilled range from $1,000 to $5,000 per acre and a 20% royalty is the norm. However, If I had unleased interest I would participate in the wells being drilled in the basin because most are paying out in months.
We are in township 1 Sec. 13 in Duchesne. My FIL bought into this well in 1969. It has ( within the past 10 years) been redrilled horizontally and additional storage tanks installed at quite an expense. Probably not interested in purchasing more as long as the current operator is there.
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