Current Activity in Doddridge County W VA

Has there been any new drilling or permitting activity since 2022 in Doddridge County WV? Just curious … I’m a current mineral rights owner.

Yes, there are at least 52 active permits as of now. If you want more specific information for activity near you, please post in the county where you minerals are located. This current category is too general. See the COUNTIES tab above. Mention your township as well.

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I also have mineral rights in Doddridge County WV and would like to know the same information.

Hi @Robin and @Dodi_Gum

Doddridge has a lot of new activity but there is still much more land to be developed. Where you are located within Doddridge matters as some activity will be coming online in the near future, and others may not see activity for a number of years.

If Antero or the other operators are approaching you to sign a lease then it is likely that you will be part of a new well.

Is this an area that will see activity in the near future? Or not for a number of years?

My siblings and I signed a lease with Antero back in 2013. Our mineral rights are in Doddridge County, West Union District, and we are currently collecting royalties from 5 wells. The last Division Order was received in 2020. We were just curious since a few years ago, there were a flurry of new (and approved) well permits.

@Robin Most of west union district in Doddridge looks heavily developed according to WVDEP Oil&Gas Well Information if you know the location of your property you can locate it on this map and see what’s going on. Are you looking to sell those minerals, or just get an idea of when new production may begin on your other parcels?

Oh no, not at all interested in selling. I was curious regarding the possibility of new production. I do know the location of the property. Thank you for the link and I will check it out.

@Dodi_Gum that area of Doddridge is hit or miss! Antero drilled pretty heavily through there but then moved on to other areas. I don’t see upcoming drilling in your particular parcels as they are not permitted.

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@Dodi_Gum, with parcel info this can be a two part process. First find the parcel with the WV Property Viewer then use that location info on the WV tagis map referenced by @nick-tbm. Looks like there was a well permitted to cross into 4-4-23 in 2013, but nothing since then.

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Looking forward to checking the web info out. I love a good rabbit hole from time to time (like Ancestry). Wonder why there was no contact in 2013.