Current lease and bonus rates

Looking for current lease bonus and royalty rates in Murray County, Ok? Any help would be much appreciated!

What Section, Township and Range? The location matters.

Section 13, township 2S, Range 2E Thank you for any guidance or help!

13-2S-2E You are right on the edge of Carter County, so keep an eye on that forum area as well.
I see a bit of leasing in 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 32, 36. No pooling yet. That would be the only public info unless someone on the forum answers. Looks like XTO is planning a horizontal well in 32 & 29.

Thank you! The bonus offer on my 50 acres was less than the price of a notary, so I am looking for information in the area. Any help is most appreciated.

First offers are usually low. If there is no pending activity, you can either lease or wait a bit and get more information so you know what is competitive. That horizontal well in 32 & 29 will probably have a pooling order, so that will give you information that will be useful.

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Any activity for 312N2E? Our property was in the NE Joy Hobart Sand Unit but I have been told that all wells in that unit have been plugged so I assume that unit is no longer effective and the lease on our property is no longer held by production.

Rimrock was leasing in 14 and 18 2N-2E in the last 999 days. If all the wells were plugged, then you should be free to lease again.

Thank you. Now if I could just find a plat map that shows the relationship of 14 and 18 to 31. By the way I grew up in the city of Southside Place and attended Bellaire High School. My father was President of the Houston Geophysical Society in 1962.

Murray County Map.pdf (317.3 KB) Here is a map of Murray County with the sections, townships and ranges. It should help you place yourself properly.

Thanks to your Dad for his service to the science community.


Thanks for posting the map! I am new to the forum but very interested in activity with that horizontal well in 29.

Progress on a well can be tracked with the OCC well records site. Search by the surface location. Test