My brother received a certified letter today from an attorney pertaining to what looks like a pooling request from Mewbourne in a section we own mineral rights in Custer county. The section is Section(s) 20 and 29, Township 15 North, Range 20 West. We are not really sure how this will affect us, our small piece of land’s mineral rights is under lease for another 1-1/2 years. I have photos of the provisions of the request if needed, any enlightenment would be great.
Sometimes they make mistakes on the title opinion. You or your brother can contact Mewbourne’s attorney who sent the order and ask why they have you as a respondent if you have a current lease. Have a copy of your lease in front of you so you can see the effective date. Sometimes they miss things. It is possible that you are leased at one horizon level with a depth clause and the pooling is at a different level. For safety’s sake, I will answer the pooling at the highest royalty and tell them that I have a lease filed at the courthouse and state the book, page and date. Read your lease before you call.
The company may also be exercising caution in the event that your lease expires prior to the issuance of the pooling order. There has been litigation in similar situations where the lessor claimed that it did not have notice of the forced pooling because notice was only given to the lessee.
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What exactly is your question and what are they requesting? The pooling has been filed and its date is 11/13/24 and lasts for a year. If your lease expires in 1-1/2 years, you are covered under the pooling
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