Custer county wells

I have 3 letters from the same attorney that says Toklan wants to put 2 wells on section 1 and 12 township 14 north range 16 west. They want to vacate the 640 spacing and turn it into a 1280 spacing. They are going to the corporation commission April 8. I have several questions and figured you could answer them.

  1. If they drill, would they plug the Hoffman 1? It has been producing since 1980.

  2. They sent out a letter a few years ago wanting to vacate the spacing but then sent another one later saying never mind. Why would they do that?

  3. If they do the 2 wells, I would imagine it would drain that formation pretty quick. How fast would it do that?

  4. I know several factors are involved. What is the average time from getting the ok from the corporation commission to drilling?

  5. Why the sudden interest in this since there are wells all around this?

  6. Do the admins on here go to these meeting or listen via teleconference? I can’t tune in but curious if you do. Maybe you can explain to me in 3rd grader to understand what they decided.

  7. Is the Meramec mainly oil or gas?

I hope I did not overwhelm you. I just find this fascinating and wonder how oil companies do their thing

#1) No, unless it is no longer economical. #2) Only they know. Could be several reasons. #3) 2 straws in a coke deplete the coke faster. How long depends on many factors, how large is the coke, etc. #4) Mostly depends on the operator’s time frame. #5) See #2. #6) No, unless they have a personal interest. You should get any Orders issued by the Corporation Commission and can read them to understand what was the outcome. #7) The Meramec contains, oil, gas & water. It is all dependent on the stratigraphic orientation in the specific area. You can count on all 3.

Hope this helps.

#1-Will probably let Hoffman say online as long as it is economical. They will probably shut it in -hopefully briefly- while they frac the new wells to protect it.
#3-“Pretty quick” is relative. These are new horizontal wells with a drainage of maybe 350 away from the well bore. They line them up like cigars so that the drainage patterns just interfinger and drain efficiently. In most horizontals nearby, about 50% of the production occurs in the first two-three years, but the wells can last for decades at low rates as the molecules of gas have to travel from farther distances to get to the well bore. That still leaves quite a bit of reserves in the ground, so technology will probably catch up and they will figure out new ways to get more out of the ground.

#4-As a general guide-Toklan has two new horizontal wells just to the east for the same zone. Permit was 11/10/22 for Jupiter 31-30 MRMC XH 1. Spud 12-31-22, competed 9/28/23, so about a year. Mostly gas with some oil. Crawley had the Holder-Pyeatt 1-2-11MHX. Permit 10/25/22, Spud 11/21/22, Completion 10/7/23, so about a year. Mostly a gas well with some oil. There are others nearby at about the same timing. “Your results may differ”.

#5- They are drilling a different and shallower zone than the Hoffman and are going for horizontal wells which will drain the Meramec much more efficiently. I would not be surprised if they came back later and added more horizontal wells lined up across the section if the first two perform like they expect.

#7-what Todd said. Around here, mostly gas with some oil.

Anyone out there know if there are any updates on Spud plans in Custer County? T14N-20W- S5&6

Mewbourne Oil has an active permit for Sage Dragon 32/5 AP 1H. The surface location is in sec 29 15N-20W and goes south into 32 and 5. The API number s 3503922627. The well was spud 9/26/23 and was completed 12/1/23. You will probably see a Division Order in April/May or so. IF your name and address are properly filed in the county courthouse in Custer County.

No new well in 6-14N-20W yet.

Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate your expertise.

Hello. Is there any production data yet on the Sage Dragon 32-5 well ? I own minerals in 20-15-20 and I guess mewbourne has plans for a well Cow Hills 29-20 with the well location in 29 also any info would be great thanks

Sage Dragon is listed as active on 12/18/23 on the Ok Tax site.

I have 87.5 acres mineral rights in the NW/4 and the W/2SW/4 of Section 29 and 40 acres of mineral rights in the NE/4NE/4 of Section 30, all in Township 15 North, Range 17 W.I.M., Custer County, OK. I was contacted by Mewbourne Oil last year and did not accept their offer of $500/acre. I assumed I would be force pooled. I have not heard anything from them. When I contacted them, they told me there was nothing in their system on me. What is going on?

In response to your inquiry. I also was contacted by Rock Creek last May 2023 for minerals in an area near there. When I called Mewbourne about payment they said their title attorney hadn’t completed his work.A few weeks later I received my Division Order from Melbourne today. .

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What they are saying is you are not in pay status with them as they haven’t drilled a well on any unit where you own minerals.

I have 87.5 acres of mineral rights in the NW/4 of Section 29, Township 15 North, Range 17 W.I.M., Custer County, OK. I’m not very good at this. I have a map (unable to download) that shows Mewborne Cow Hills 29/20 PA #1H NCT 330’FNL/FSL & 660’ that shows the horizontal red line running from the well in Section 20 through Section 29. Doesn’t this mean that the well is drawing from 29 also?

Are you already held by Encino Energy Centennial 1-29H? If you have a lease in 29, you may not be able to lease again for the new well in that section. Do you have a lease in section 30 for the Hatcher 1 well? If so, then you may not be able to lease in the new well. If you did have a depth clause, them perhaps you are open.

The agent was probably sent out from Mewbourne, but your acreage may not be in their system since it is not leased yet. I do not see any leases in 29 or 30 filed in the last three years. Mewbourne is very active in the area, so maybe their timeline has slowed down.

There is no Cow Hills well yet. What document have you received that had that name on it?

I have interests in Sec 14 - T13N - R20W. Apparently, I am not skilled enough to figure out how to look up the status on any well. Can you tell me if they are about to drill?

Well records can be found at the OCC site> STR_ERROR_PAGE_TITLE

The records are listed by the surface location.

Your section has three old wells. Tippens 14-1, Peggy Ann 1-14 and Peggy Ann 14-2.

If you have your name and address properly filed at the county courthouse with the clerk of deeds and any title information such as a probate or deed of sale, then yu should get notices from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission of any pending wells. They may not have a surface location on your section, but can be nearby. I do not see any current permits.

Any activity on 15N 20W sec 31 and/or 14N 20W sec 6 ? I received legal work from Mewbourne in October and haven’t heard anything since other than many offers to purchase.

Mewbourne has a permit for Sage Dragon 32/5 which is just the sections to the east of you.

The offers to purchase are indicators that someone knows something. You can watch for permits on the OCC well records site. They will be for the surface location, so check sec 30, 31, 6 or 7 as sometimes the surface location is not in the perforation sections.

Hi M Barnes the drawing for Cow Hills well looks to be from Mewbourne oil sec 29/20 - 15 - 20 PA 1H the Sage Dragon well head is in sec 29 also 260ft from south sec line going south the Cow Hills was planed to be 330 from south sec line just 70ft above sage dragons well head and going north into sec 20 and ending right next the old Libby well this is what I see on the drawing the drawing was dated in nov 2023 so looks like there is no drilling permit issued very disappointing seeing how we have 135 acres in sec 20 the Sage Dragon prodution is good !! I see a permit for entrance on sec 35 to the east from mewbourne so probably drilling sec 35/2

Time will tell as Mewbourne reveals their plans.

You may not have 135 acres. If you are looking at an old lease, the gross parcel amount is on the lease, not the net. Most sections in OK have many, many owners due to fractionalization ovefr the generations.

Hi again yes we do have 135 net acres in section 20 plus we have 20 net acres in section 19-15-20 where the stice well is. We leased 78 + in 20-15-20 with rock creek then we have also have 56 more acres in 20-15-20 acres that is in a lease hold with sec 19 with the old stice well My parents signed a lease in May 18 1977 that was 20 acres in 19-15-20 plus on the same lease 56 acres in 20-15-20 and the stice in section 19 is producing still . I guess we missed the Pugh clause by 7 days or so I read it came into effect May 25 1977 to stop lease holds on other sec. minerals ? In section 20 they drilled the libby #1 well around 1980 then about 6 months later they drilled the stice well in section 19 under the lease dated May 18 1977 I think it was a 5 year lease . The libby Well flowed till the mid 90’s then was plugged I thought that by plugging the Libby well it would release all of the minerals in sec. 20 the funny thing in the past we leased all of our 135 acres in sec 20 two times to two different companies and nothing was ever said about an lease hold ? are we missing something ?