Database for retaing information on Multiple States

I’m trying to find a Database that I can use to retain all the information from various Mineral Rights which are in different states. I’ve seen a number of different ones on the market but I’m not sure which one would be best for an Individual Royalty Owner. I prefer having a Database that loads on your computer and isn’t connected to a “Cloud” based or “Online Service”. I want a Database that I have ownership of and the information is only kept on my personal computer or backup drive.

Will be hard, as most of the software providers have gone to a cloud platform.

Phoenix 7- Many of us input our personal mineral rights on Excel Spreadsheets and update them when something new is happening to them.

We start with State, County, Section, Township, Range, legal description, gross acres, net acres, leased or unleased, royalty if lease, date of lease, term, lessee, well name if producing, operator, division order decimal, etc. These are some of things we include.

It may seem like a lot of information, and it can be, but take you time and once your are done, it is very easy to keep track of your interests.

Others may have additional information to give you.

Good Luck.

I would suggest that if you go the Excel route which many of us do, you back up on your computer, a hard drive that is separate and also in the cloud with a service such as Carbonite or Dropbox. A flood or tornado or fire care wipe out your home and hard drive in an instant. The cloud backup is private to you, (make sure you leave instructions for your heirs).

Hi, I use a desktop database system for tracking my family’s oil and gas royalties. This is a desktop database that is housed on your local drive. It is not a cloud-based or online database system. I don’t want to be in violation of any rules about promoting products which is why I haven’t named the product itself. I am not sure what the rules are about product suggestions/promotion. If you want you can contact me privately.

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