Dawson County, TX Values

My family owns a couple of sets of royalties in Dawson County Texas. No one has done anything with them for the 70 some-odd years we’ve owned them. Now family members are getting contacted about selling the rights. Anyone know what royalty rights are going for right now. Both sets are in the T&P Railroad survey section in the northern part of the county.

Welcome to the forum. I moved your question over to the Dawson County topic area. You can read more about activity there.

You need to be much more specific with the exact Block, Abstract and section descriptions.

If you are getting offers, it is likely that activity is pending. We can help you more if your descriptions are added to the post.

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As Martha indicated, more info is required. Dawson County has approx 902 sections or square miles in it. Location can help define value.Oil and Gas leases are usually based on sections or part of the same. Then percentage of what you may own. Just some info for you to help find the value. MK

We’ve got two plots. 200 acres in T&P RRCO A-624 (Blk34 T5N-Sec12) and 20 acres in T&P RRCO A-89 (Blk35 T4N-Sec 1).

Here are the maps. A-624 (Blk 34 5N-sec 12) has no wells. No horizontal permits nearby, so not much value compared to sections that have horizontal wells.

A-89 (Blk 35 4N-Sec 1) You have at least two horizontal wells so those have value. Would suggest that you make sure you have claimed any past royalties for those wells before selling. Looks like the Operator is Ike Operating. If no one signed a division order, you may have funds pending and might not want to sell.

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