Delaware County, OK Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Delaware County, OK oil & gas discussion group. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

Anyone out in Delaware County have Mineral Rights that are leased? Our Family Trust contains Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20 T22, R23 from when my dad had a ranch on Lake Ucha. Was wondering if anyone is coal mining or drilling anywhere around the area. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

My husband was talking to an old friend on the phone today that we've known for many years. When he told the friend that we had these acres of royalty in Delaware County he wanted to know where they were and he said then that he knew someone that might want to lease it. When hubby told the friend that there was not to his knowledge anything going on up there he said he still had someone that might want to lease it. Sounds wonderful to me!!!