Delayed division order

I inherited oil/gas mineral rights in producing property in Texas. Three different abstracts which have been in production for years. I contacted current operator more than 5 months ago and have sent them copies of all filed documents. These include will, death certificate, assignments of their interest, affidavit of Heirship, etc. Question, does it take this long to issue a Division Order? When should I get legal help or wait?

Me too. Late August I submitted our 2nd affidavit of heirship to Pioneer and haven’t heard a peep. I have called, emailed and faxed.

I also sent ALL my documentation to the gathers ( purchasers) of the production as they have to be sure the royalty’s distribution is correct.

It sometimes is painfully slow. I have seen it happen around the 30 day mark and around the 300 day mark post notification. Sending it certified sometimes helps. You may try contacting employees on LinkedIn or through AAPL/NADOA/PALTA memberships to get some kind of response or indicator as to the hold up.

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DO departments are going through transitions with much of the work being assigned to contract operations. If you do not get a response in 60 days, respond with a forward of your email submittal or the email thread and request a progress update. Sending transfers via certified mail will only slow your process and put you further out on the Q. Take the time to create digital copies of your documents for email submittals. This will work much better with the new owner relations operating model. Make sure to maintain notes on any communications. Good luck.