Devon drilling in are they doing?

I leased my mineral rights three years ago to a company which went into bankruptsy. Devon took over their lease through a court decree. The Tulsa World said that Devon had begun drilling last Fall after they established the drilling unit. I'm wondering if they have completed a well yet. The original lease expires next month but I haven't heard anything from them and received no return call when I left my name and number. I'd appreciate any information. Thanks very much.

Devon has Pooled 32 but has started no well and has not applied for a permit. So if they don't get it started in time you might get to lease again . Come back to forum before you sign anything new.

Thanks for your reply Ron. Actually they have a producing well. Today I talked with Devon and their well is producing "very well". So my lease renewal is automatic. We should be getting the distribution agreement soon. Thanks again.

Is 32-19n-3e the correct location because I still am not finding it.

Yes that is correct. Section 32, Township 19N, Range 3E. If you will look at the Jan 24 Tulsa World Business section report on oil well progress, it was reported that they were drilling in that location and the well depth at that time was given. Apprently now the well has been completed.