Dewey County Mineral rights for sale

I want to sell the following mineral rights in Dewey County, Oklahoma if I can get the right offer.

Royalty Owned Total Individual Action
Section 4-18N-15W, Dewey County, OK 75.345 25.115 Leased at $1600 per acre Jan 2017 (3 year 3/16
Section 5-18N-15W, Dewey County, OK 78.345 26.115 Leased at $1600 per acre Jan 2017 (3 year 3/16
Section 31-19N-15W, Dewey County, OK 80.36 26.786667 producing
Section 36-19N-16W, Dewey County, OK 20 6.666667 leased

I have 110 NMA for sale in Dewey County

See my comment to your other post.

You should have taken the $300k and run away.

Yes, I should have, however the price of oil is 3 times what it was then and I still have most of it.

LOL. But remember the reserves are less tomorrow than they are today. If wisely invested the $300k would be worth what?