Mineral Rights Lease question:
Getting answers seems to be quite a challenge regarding the Shale Exploration. My family is looking for some "experienced" direction on the following scenario.
Key points:
- Family of 5 children are included for minerals rights (Father - now passed away) was included in Uncle Edward's Will in the 1800's. He owned land in Montana and we are informed that we have mineral rights.
LETTER Re: Oil and Gas Lease Proposal Daniels Co, MT
Dear Prospective Lessor,
Shale Exploration, LLC is currently leasing in Daniels County, Montana for oil and gas production. According to our completed title research of the public records, you own minerals under the above referenced lands, and we are excited to announce we will begin drilling our first wells in Daniels County this year. Shale Exploration, LLC wishes to lease your mineral interest in these lands so that your minerals can be included in the future drilling program.
Shale is extending a Special Offer to you and other select mineral owners in Daniels County. You have three offers to choose from:
Option 1:
Bonus: $325.00 per net mineral acre
Primary Term: Five (5) years with five (5) year option @ $600 per net mineral acre
Royalty: One-sixth (1/6th)
Option 2:
Bonus: $325.00 per net mineral acre
Primary Term: Five (5) years with three (3) year option @ $500 per net mineral acre
Royalty: One-sixth (1/6th)
Option 3:
Bonus: $300.00 per net mineral acre
Primary Term: Four (4) years with four (4) year option @ $550 per net mineral acre
Royalty: One-sixth (1/6th)
In order to be included in the future drilling program, Shale needs to acquire an oil and gas lease from you as soon as possible.
If you’ve already received a lease offer from Shale and would like to choose one of the options above, simply contact your Shale Landman and they can provide an addendum, that will become part of the lease, that will include the desired terms.
Shale (Jayhawk project). ___________________________________________________________________
Well, (a punt), there are many unanswered questions. While we are interested in cooperating, and expressed as much; however, we are not getting answers in hard copy from them. Also, this project, as I understand it, is now under the JayHawk project. The last communications (several weeks ago) was a request, from the family, to see a copy of the proposed lease, and to have an understanding of what that translates to. So, while the pressure was being built to respond to Shale, they did not fulfill their communications in the requests we had made.
Per your experience, can you advise what to do with this? If they can't give clear answers, then one can't make an intelligent decision.
Thanks for your input! Karen