Grady county Oklahoma Angela South The estate of Luster Dorman …Legatee (brother of Ethel B Marshall….) 5.6% share of the net estate… A final decree states Monty Lindsey 6,25% of the of the estate of Luster Dorman. And goes on to say said remaining property should be distributed to the following…. Monty Lindsey 0.35% isn’t in the real property… Division Order -how do we know their % are correct? Interest type RI Grady County Oklahoma Prop #11989 Angela South 3-27X02H. 2-3N-6W, 35-4N-6w, 34-4N-6w,27-4N-6W O.0000001900 NRI It lists 3 times just like above for Property # 12105 0.0000001300 NRI And Property #12106 0.0000001200 NRI Is there a formula? How do I know they are paying me the correct % of my ownership?
Each of those wells has a different length, so the decimal interests are likely to be just a bit different.
The formula for Oklahoma is:
net acres/actual spacing acres x royalty x percentage of well in your section.
Those wells were drilled at an angle through sec 27, 34, 3, 2 for well 1. 27, 34, 35, 2 for wells 2 & 3. So they have calculated your interest according to the title work that they have done in each of the sections. The title attorneys will go back to the original patent at statehood and work forward for every mineral owner and figure out how many net acres they have, what the spacing of the wells are and what proportion of the well is in each section. In most cases, they get it right. If you think they are wrong, you would have to prove it with your own documents and that is quite complex.
Given that you have such a small percentage of the estate and the wells cross many sections, the decimals listed above make sense. Do you know what section you have acreage in?