Hello I received a division order on sec 6-9N-9E. As I’m really really new to all this what does this DO actually mean? I can’t remember who I done a lease with for the life of me. Does anyone know how to get that info?
Hello I received a division order on sec 6-9N-9E. As I’m really really new to all this what does this DO actually mean? I can’t remember who I done a lease with for the life of me. Does anyone know how to get that info?
Hi Steve, a division order usually means that some oil or gas from a well has been sold and there are funds to be distributed. You may be able to find your lease if it is recorded in the county records. You may be able to find it with OK County records for Hughes county.
Thank you PeteR…I’m really not sure what to do now. Should I be contactacting someone? Or should I just wait on correspondence?
Steve, a division order is usually good news because someone is making arrangements to make payments to you. Since you have to provide your name and address and fill out a W9, it wouldn’t hurt to verify that the sender is an actual oil well operator or their designated payment agent. Certainly you are allowed to contact the sender or research them to verify they are for real.
That’s good to hear.althoughI didn’t get a w9 form. I do believe they are they designated payment agent.oh well we will see. Thanks for your input greatly appreciated.
Steve, a couple of other notes. It may be a few months after you send in the division order before you actually see a check. Also, sometimes there is an option to reduce your minimum payment from $100, or perhaps using direct deposit will reduce the minimum, so that you receive payments more often.
What is the name of the well on the Division Order? It could an old well that was sold to a new operator so they are sending you a new Division Order.
I think the name is Palmer #1
Change of operator on an old well.
It’s all kind of confusing. I remember doing some type of 3 year lease a few years back. I haven’t heard from those people (can’t even remember the companies name) in awhile. Probably lost out on 50bucks…lol I’m not expecting much from all this, I’m just interested in the why’s what’s and when’s I guess.
I guess I have some calling around to do. Not sure who to call or what to ask but I have a starting point
Thank you M.Barnes
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