Division Order Dawson Co, TX

New Division Order

Butterbumps 39-46 A 2DN Birch Operations Inc Dawson, TX - T & P & RY CO SURVEY, Twp 4N Blk:34

RI 0.00000484 (this should be half of what my mom’s RI was.)

Found this deed on texasfile Mineral Deed 1980 Bank/Trustee as Grantor My mom (as her separate property) as Grantee Undivided 1/48 interest on Dawson Co. TX All of the SW/4 of Section 40, Block 34, Township 4 North, T&P Ry. Co, Survey 160 acres

How can I know if the division order is related to SW/4 of Section 40?

If these are the same, how can I compare the RI decimal?

Doing this without any records. This is potentially a new well because there is no record of it paying in the past. I’m not sure I’m cut out for this.

thanks to all

These wells are not in section 40, but close by in section 39. Contact the operator’s division order analyst to see what they are carrying for you. You may have more acreage than what you found. Ask them politely for a copy of the paragraph that pertains to your mother and now you. The Butterbumps are by Birch Operations.

The wells in section 40 are Robyn Lee I 9H by Hibernia and Robyn Lee J 10H by Hibernia. They are recently drilled but waiting completion. You may also have another well in 40 called the East Ackerly Dean Unit 11.

Section 40 is just south of the blue lack. See the 9H and 10H labels. section 39 is just to the east with the four other producing wells.

You can do this! Start collecting information. Ask questions! Most of us started out blind.

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Thank you M_Barnes

When you say “Ask them politely for a copy of the paragraph that pertains to your mother and now you”, what is the document that would have this paragraph? I’m always unclear what to ask for in these situations, is there precise language I can use?

Are those Birch wells in section 39 new ones?

I really appreciate the help I find here!

You want the paragraph from the “Division Order Title Opinion”(Birch) that pertains to your mother’s and now your ownership in the Butterbump wells in section 39. You also want to ask for a copy of the lease that pertains to those wells. Tell them that you have no records, so are trying to put together your files.

You found a lease for section 40 which may be pertinent for the Robyn Lee wells which have not yet been completed. That will be with a different company as soon as they complete the wells.

These are all brand new wells.

excellent…thank you !!

going back to section 40 with the deed info below-

Found this deed on texasfile Mineral Deed 1980 Bank/Trustee as Grantor My mom (as her separate property) as Grantee Undivided 1/48 interest on Dawson Co. TX All of the SW/4 of Section 40, Block 34, Township 4 North, T&P Ry. Co, Survey 160 acres

I now have a division order for the East Ackerly Dean Unit 11 and about fifty other unit numbers. (Assume most are plugged- will check the map as best I can)

The RI for this Division order is based on RI of 0.00007541 (mine is 1/2 of that) Does that RI match what is show in the deed info above. Still confused on the math.

thanks a ton for any help provided…

The best one to ask about the math is the Division Order analyst that sent the DO. The DO equation is made up of the net acres, spacing acres, royalty and perhaps a further split for the allocation of the well length in your tract.

Send a request by certified mail return receipt to the operator’s Division Order department and request a detailed description of the equation that goes with the division order. You can also politely ask for the paragraph of the title opinion that pertains to your acreage. You can also ask for a copy of the lease that goes with the well(s).

I a few cases I have done this via email and get a response that the division order was done by a third party and they state that they do not have the information.

Have also been told by another that “they” didn’t drill the well so don’t have the information.

Any advice how to respond to those type of answers?

Thank you !!

The original operator is usually the one that is responsible for the original division order. If the well has been sold a few times, then the last operator may only have the pay deck from the operator they bought the well from, so may not have it.

If you really want the info, then you may have to get a landman to work it up. If the revenue is small, may not be worth the expense.