Lately there has been a great deal of activity (after several years of ziltch) of companies wanting to buy or lease my small oil/mineral rights in Grady County. If over 50% of the owners (multiple owners in all my holdings) agree to lease, what does that do to me? What If I am not willing to lease/sell? Do the companies need 100% agreement of all owners? Thanks in advance for any information!
No they can force pool you ,and that is not a bad thing in most cases . If you would like to send me a friend request I will give you my # and tell you how it works if you want to call.
Thanks for the information. I was hoping the info might be different, it certainly doesn't leave much negotiating power for those of us with smaller shares. But, good to know. I appreciate the responses!
Most mineral interests when split up for various reasons are an undivided interest and not a divided interest. This is a little difficult concept to understand at first and the link below may help.