Driftwood Goddard “Participation”

Judt rec’d a one-page untitled paper from Aaron Austn, Staff Landman for Continental Resources. It offers two choices. I/We hereby elect to PARTICIPATE with the full extent of our interest in the Driftwood Goddard Unit pursuant to Section 17.7.3. I/We hereby elect to NOT PARTICIPATE in the Driftwood Goddard Unit pursuant to Section 17.7.3.

Now, therevis no definition of “our interest” so my first reaction is to say “no” Also, no definition of “participate”. We already voted to approve/disapprove the cockamamy agreement with peculiar provisions relating to offshore drilling. Why are we being asked again?

Statutes Section 17 7 refers to Supreme Court Appeals from the Corporation Commission (according to my search engine).

The case number should have an exhibit listing your decimal percentage. I have seen the older parts, but can’t remember the case number. This is part of a larger unitization, so lots of hoops to go through.

Section 17.7.3 refers to the applicable portion of Plan of Unitization dealing with participation in the Unit.

Martha: I know what my decimal ownership would be in the expanded unit. But I own other properties that could be included inadvertantly (?) without a specific definition. Thanks for your help over the years. In all probability I will be out of your hair (as they say) before all this is finalized. So i will miss all the fun!

Mr. Brock- You can find the Plan of Unitization by looking up CD#2022-00630. It is quite lengthy but you will probably enjoy the read. The “Plan” begins on page 230 and goes to page 325.

Thanks, Todd. And Martha. Any idea where I can find the applicable text? I don’t know whether a failure to respond is the best or worst of my three alternatives. Ignorance and senility make a dangerous combination. Chuckle.

Electronic site-Exhibit 20 on 2022-000630 has the list of respondents and their decimals for working interest owners. Exhibit 19 has total net mineral acres for royalty owners. You can check your net mineral acres against your tracts to see what matches. Look this part up on the new Electronic site. Note the extra zero in the number.

On the original application, look up the maps starting on page 196. Find your tract(s) on the map. They will have a new tract number assigned. Then scroll down the following pages until you find that number and see if the description matches yours. Only acreage included in this unitization is listed there. If you have other tracts in other sections other than on the red outline, they will not be included. (PS if they expanded the map, then I did not go through all 100+ documents looking for the new map on the electronic site).

Not my problem. I was concerned about the definition of “participation”.Assuming it means acceptance of the terms in the earlier proposal, no thanks.