Drilling Permits or plans?

Does anyone know of plans or permits for Sec. 30-01S-03W in Carter County?

Make sure that your name and address and description of acreage are properly filed at the county clerk’s office in Carter County. Any OCC court cases send out mailings so you can stay up with activity.

I do not see a current permit, but the township is very active, so it would not surprise me to see one soon. Scissortail has a pending OCC case for a horizontal well, so a permit should come as soon as the case is heard. The pending hearing date is March 29. If the county has your address, then you should be getting the mailings. There is also a pooling, so that would be important to know. Contact the attorney below and give your information.


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Thank you so much for your help.

Interesting that you bring up 01S03W. We have mineral interests in Sec 1 and 24 and I was just contacted by someone with ‘Bluestem’, never heard of them, that wants to purchase our mineral acreage in S24 @ $4500 per nma. We were told there is production and to just look on our pay stubs or Division Order for our fractional royalty interest/DOI. I told her we have never received any Div Order or payments for S24 and have never leased minerals in that section. I was told we should have been receiving payments and to contact Citation Oil and Gas, which I did, but they never returned my call or email. How can we determine if there is production in S2401S03W and if so, if there is royalty being held in suspension? Is there a place on the OCC site that would give us this information? I’ve also been told that if there is money being held in suspension and you sell the mineral rights, that money being held then transfers to the new owner; the transfer is retroactive as far as money in suspension. Is this true? Thanks, again, for your invaluable information, M_Barnes.

RS-You definitely want to clear up section 24. Continental has a case pending for 640 acres spacing for a horizontal well 202200965.

There was a shallow field in 24 for many years “Tatums Field UT”. Citation Oil and Gas may be holding royalties for you. Contact them by certified mail return receipt. Check the OK state treasurer’s office under your name and any older relative that you inherited from. Yes, most sales of acres will give any suspended royalties to the new buyer. Last sales from the wells was in 2008 in that section, but if the waterflood is still active in other sections, there may be continuing royalties due to the unit acreage being larger than just one section. Also look on the OCC website for the Mineral Owners Escrow Account. Mineral Owners Escrow Account

You may also have royalties from section 1-1S-3W-old production there. It is part of the North Tatums Sand Unit and had a wells permitted from 1997-2021, so drilling in there over the years. Last production was in Dec 2021, so may still be online. The DeHart Company is the operator

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Thanks, again, M_Barnes. Managed to work my way around the OCC site and browse the wells and production. There were 14 pages so did not look at all but, as you said, no recent production. Did see that Citation is/was the listed operator for most so will follow-up there. Do you have a location for the Continental well you referenced, 202200965? Any information as to what sections it will cross? All very much appreciated, as always. EDIT. Just looked it up. Sec 24 location. That answers all of my questions. LoL

No particular well listed yet in 24, but I’ll bet someone knows.

OK, one more question. In reading through the documents, we are neither listed in the Notice of Hearing or Application Exhibit A: Respondents. Not even in the ‘unknowns’. I checked the Carter Co. Clerks online site and found us listed as mineral owners in said section. Is there a reason we are not included at this point? Should we be and if so, best to contact the attorney listed or Continental?

Probably both. The atttorney in order to be added to any OCC documents. And Continental as a backup. Address that to the Division Order analyst to make sure they have you in their title run.

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My lease agreement was for Okmulgee county 2015 cant get them to disclose any information regarding that drill or not??

This is posted in Carter County. I answered you in your first location. With a section, township and range, I can look it up for you.

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