Eagle Ford Shale Drilling Activity from EagleFordShale.com

Good source for the South Texas rig count. There is also a news section that aggregates Eagle Ford Shale news items from around the country. Follow these links to read more:

Eagle Ford Shale Drilling

Rig Count stands at 222 rigs in the counties where the Eagle Ford is present.

Eagle Ford Shale News

The site gets updated everyday, so check it frequently to stay up to date on the happenings in the Eagle Ford.


How do you know when the oil company have set up a rig and/or starting drilling in the tract unit and/or "pool" that you have signed your lease agreement with? Hope this makes sense.I know about the RR commission website and visit there often. I see the premit approvals but how do you know if one those permits are for the area your acre, etc is in?